DIY Flower Arranging FAQ
Do- It- Yourself flower arranging can be an incredibly a creative and affordable way to add that special touch to your event. Here are some questions to consider first to help you decide if DIY is the right option for you.
Do you have enough time? The week before your wedding or big event can be crazy. It might be easy to underestimate the time you’ll need to complete your arrangements. We ask that you pick up your flowers at least one whole day, two is preferred, before the event to ensure that you have sufficient time to design, transport, and setup.
Do you have helping hands? Floral design can be finicky, especially for beginners. With the helping hands of family and friends though it can be fun, fulfilling, and efficient. We suggest a team of at least 3, working 2-3 days prior, especially for a wedding.
Do you have a workspace to do the designing? Flower arranging is messy! You’ll need a space that is cool/ out of the sun, has access to water and doesn’t matter if it gets wet and dirty from all the cut leaves and stems.
Do you have all the tools? You’ll need heavy-duty clippers, buckets, and vases to start
Do you have the ability to transport and store the bouquets once you are done with your design? After your floral designs are finished they will need to be stored in a cool, dark space until the time of transport. If designing somewhere other than the event space you’ll need to figure out how to safely transport lots of vases filled with flowers and water to your final destination.
If you answered yes to all of the above then designing with our fresh, local, seasonal DIY Bulk Bucket of Blooms might be a great option for you!